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Over the last two years kale has become increasingly popular, more readily available & added into every recipe from smoothies to soups, but what really makes it more special that any other green vegetable? Should we all jump on the kale bandwagon?

Increasing research into in the nutritional composition of kale has found that it is a high protein, high fibre & low carbohydrate vegetable. It is mineral dense with high levels of calcium, iron, zinc & magnesium.

Raw kale also contains more than the recommended daily intake of Vitamin A, Vitamin C & Vitamin K.

As part of the cabbage family, kale has high antioxidant activity & due to its rich nutrient value it has excellent health prospects for the treatment of various diseases. Studies of kale show it can help to reduce cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar level, & aid in the digestive process.


When you are wearing pair of cowboy boots and jeans at the same time, you have an extremely important decision to make. It is a dilemma that has troubled cowboy boots wearers for years and still does so to this day. The dilemma we are talking about is whether you should have your jeans tucked inside your cowboy boots or have them outside.

To anyone who has never worn cowboy boots, that might seem like an extremely trivial matter. After all, what difference does it make whether jeans are inside or outside cowboy boots? Those nay-sayers might mock, but as all true cowboy boots wearers know, whenever you are wearing a pair of jeans, it is a decision that must not be taken lightly.

It could be argued that the choice of tucking jeans inside or not is a personal one. Whichever way pleases you the most and makes you feel great, then you should go for it and tell the fashion police to take a run and jump. However, there are also those who with no strong feelings either way but still want to wear jeans most appropriately with cowboy boots fashion-wise or for practical purposes. As such, here are some pointers as to how to make that decision.


The title of this article might have you wondering how digital marketing can in any way have something in common with fitness training. Well, we will be explaining not just one way they are similar but seven ways in total.

Before we do, we must point out that we will not focus on the obvious overlaps where you might see huge brands such as Nike, Adidas, or Peloton advertise their products online. Nor are we talking about fitness products such as supplements, sportswear, and home gyms being promoted on Facebook, Instagram, or Google. Those examples are far too simplistic.

Instead, we are about to explain how digital marketing and fitness training have uncanny similarities that almost make them seem to be parallel concepts despite them existing in two entirely different niches.

#1 – For Maximum Results, You Need An Expert To Guide You

Unless you are either a digital marketing expert or a qualified sports and fitness coach, you will not achieve much just second-guessing what you should be doing. Businesses should therefore seek the help of a digital marketing agency or consultant. As for those trying to improve their health and fitness, a fitness coach is recommended.

#2 – Each Business/Individual Needs A Bespoke Plan

No two businesses will have the same objectives, budget, and audience size therefore, each digital marketing campaign must be planned and created accordingly. Similarly, no two people will have the same health and fitness goals, nor the same physicality, and so when it comes time to plan their fitness schedule, it should be adapted to suit each individual.


One thing that cannot be argued with respect to options for those who have dental or oral health issues is that there is a lack of them. The choice may vary in number and variety from dental practice to dental practice but when you consider that dentures, bridges, veneers, crowns, bonding, fillings, and dental implants are but just a few of the many solutions for patients, then the biggest problem might not be toothache, but a potential headache trying to make a choice.

One choice amongst the ones we listed there that is becoming more and more popular is dental implants. They might be at the top of the pile in terms of what they cost, but they provide a long list of benefits for those who have them fitted. Unfortunately not everyone is suitable for dental implants, so if you are wondering if they are the right option for you, here are some of the reasons why they should be.

You Have One Or More Teeth Missing

This is the first and most obvious reason why dental implants might be the answer for you. We should also include if you have damaged teeth that are scheduled to be extracted due to being beyond repair. Whatever the reason for your missing teeth, dental implants provide a secure, and durable replacement that will remain in pace for many years.


Looking after your health by making good food choices is one of the most important things in life. Many people wanting the healthiest foods for their families are now choosing organic goods and produce over conventionally grown foods. The demand for organic products in Australia is increasing at a rate of 20-30% per year with 6 out of 10 Australian families purchasing organic goods on a regular basis. But is it worth the additional cost to the weekly household budget?

According to the Stanford University in America, of 250 studies comparing organic fruits, vegetables, grains, poultry, meat and eggs to conventionally grown produce, there was no obvious nutritional benefit to purchasing organic. However, some studies have shown that organic produce have higher phosphorous levels; have higher omega-3 in milk and chicken; and less antibiotic resistant bacteria in organic chicken and pork. Other comparable studies have also shown that organic foods have lower nitrate levels and higher vitamin C and selenium levels. So while the jury is out on which produce is actually nutritionally better, there is no debate when it comes to the chemical burden we place on our bodies when choosing non-organic foods.


Whilst you may have a website for your psychology business that ticks all the boxes in terms of appearance, functionality, and conversion unless prospects can find your website, the amount your business benefits from it is limited. This is why SEO is essential because research from the SEO experts at has shown, SEO not only boosts website rankings on Google, but it can also bring other benefits to a business.

Let us start with the most obvious way in which SEO can help your psychology business and that is improved search engine rankings. In a world where the internet plays an ever-increasing role, it is a fact that the majority of your potential clients are online. There they search for products and services, and if they are looking for a psychologist, Google is most likely going to be the first place they start their research.

They will probably search for ‘psychologist’, and that search is also likely to have the local area in which they live. This is due to the fact that most people are looking for a local solution, especially for service like psychology. With SEO, the chances of your website appearing on the first page and, better still, in one of the top three positions makes a huge difference as to how much traffic your website will receive.


For anyone who is considering eye surgery, the main options are Lasik eye surgery and Lasek eye surgery, and unless you see those both written down, they sound pretty much like the same thing. The fact is, despite them sounding so alike, there are differences between them, and more importantly, differences with regards to which patients are suitable for each of them.

Let us start by explaining what those two very similar sounding acronyms, stand for. LASIK eye surgery stands for Laser Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis, and Lasek stands for Laser Assisted Sub-Epithermal Keratectomy. Having just typed all that out, and if you have ever tried to say all that, we think you’ll agree whoever thought up those acronyms deserves a medal.

If we start with Lasik eye surgery, it has been around since the 1990s, and it has helped to correct the vision of more people around the world than any other type of laser eye surgery. Literally millions of those who previously had to use glasses or contact lenses to correct their vision, no longer have to wear them.

If you undergo Lasik eye surgery the process starts with anaesthetic eye drops being administered into your eye, and then the surgeon will put a speculum in place to keep your lids open, and a suction ring to prevent eye movement.

The actual laser surgery starts with the surgeon using a calibrated laser to create a flap on your cornea. Then, with you staring at a target ahead of you, a computer-controlled laser will alter the shape of your cornea. This is what adjusts your vision and thus negate the need for glasses or contact lenses.


So, you’ve overindulged on one too many festive occasions, and you now find yourself with a beer belly that appears to have crept up overnight. What do you do? How do you get rid of it? Unfortunately for those with beer bellies from too many brews and treats, they can take a lot longer to get rid of than they did to get, but you’re not stuck with them if you start to look after your health. Read on to learn what it takes to banish that beer belly for good.

Start Moving

Exercise is going to be valuable in any part of your life, but even more so when you’re trying to get rid of that unwelcome beer belly. One of the best forms of exercise for shifting excess abdominal fat is high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE).

HIIE involves partaking in intense bursts of exercise, followed by short rests, then more intense exercise. Such activity can result in fat-burning and accelerated weight loss. You’ll be back to your former fit self in no time!

It also helps to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, mixing those days up with stretching and strength training. If you find it hard to fit in exercise, then be more resourceful with your day. Take the stairs instead of the lift, and walk to work instead of driving if possible. There are plenty of ways you can welcome more activity into your life.


If it has been some time since you saw your dentist, and you haven’t taken care of your teeth, then you may be in for some surprises. Professional dentists tell us while cleaning, fillings, root canals, and extractions can be popular treatment methods, crowns are another one with many different benefits. If your dentist has recommended a crown, but you’re not sure what that entails, then read on.

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a cap that your dentist cements onto your tooth. Only a dentist can remove it once it’s in place. A crown’s role is to cover a damaged tooth, strengthen it, improve your tooth alignment, and make it look better than it did before.

A dental crown can be quite a complex procedure, so your dentist may recommend a temporary one while they create a more permanent one to put in its place.

What Types of Dental Crowns Can You Get?

Everyone’s mouth is different, so the selection of dental crowns is as well. There are four primary types your dentist might recommend. Ceramic is the more popular option for restoring your front teeth. They are of a porcelain-type material and blend in with the natural colours of your tooth.


More and more people are warming up to the idea of Botox parties – gatherings of people in a home environment to have a bit of fun, then getting Botox. Some medical professionals are entirely for the idea, while others refuse to be a part of it. Below, we run through the pros and cons of Botox parties so you can make an informed decision before you host or attend one.

The Advantages of a Botox Party

  • More confidence, fewer nerves
    Many people get the jitters when they find themselves in a medical clinic. These nerves can be enough to put anyone off getting Botox – even if they desperately want it. If you attend or host a Botox party, you’re among friends, and you feel more confident to get the process underway.
  • Your friends are getting Botox too
    There is often a stigma associated with getting Botox because we’ve all seen the frozen faces of celebrities with botched Botox online. However, it can be quite a confidence-boosting procedure – and one that’s even more rewarding when you get to have it with your friends.
  • You can hire professionals
    You can employ Botox nurses and doctors to come to your home and administer Botox. Before you do, ensure they have the appropriate documentation and are trained professionals. In Australia, only qualified medical professionals can administer Botox with a prescription.
